The Intellectual proof of God’s Authority

The Official Website of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi

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Rulership is a trust from God. Take your disputes to God and His Apostles.

There is no doubt that any person who has accepted the Oneness of the Creator will also accept that His laws are promulgated in the universe.

When His authority to rule has been accepted then His rule then His dominance on everything created should be beyond doubt because he is the creator, owner and manager of this universe and no one other than Him such powers to create laws compatible to the world of causes.

So when He is the creator , owner and manager then it is imperative that He will judge between his creations in their disputes according to His laws and He can delegate this authority to someone he desires but otherwise all other exercise of such powers will be considered as undue interference in His affairs.

Another perspective tells us that the best laws are those that perfect for the human body and mind, fulfill his material and spiritual needs, there should be negative affects in both the long and short runs and there should be a power to implement it in society and there should be no lacking of acceptability among the people.

The perfect law giver is one who has the perfect understanding of mankind as well the universe so that he can understand both the overt and covert character of mankind before he creates those laws and there should be no self motivation and benefit in creating those laws.

The causes of the deficiencies and defects in man made laws are due to the following reasons:

Firstly, it is impossible for us to find a person who is fully aware of the overt and covert character of mankind and is also aware of the naturals laws that are prevalent because till date the thinkers are writing books entitled “ the unrecognized man” etc . When his information and knowledge is so limited and weak about his own kind how can we expect him to be fully aware of the laws and compositions of the universe?

Secondly, Man is a being with many needs so which ever group creates laws in the society keeps its own benefit in mind before creating them.

Thirdly, there is another important point that no human being is above errors and misconceptions and this is whey the laws created by men are always subject to and desirous of changes and alterations. Their deficiencies come to the fore as time passes and then they are amended but there are other loose ends.

. This is why the committee of human law givers comes into existence as experiments and their experimentation from the past continues and never seems to end.

Even after setting aside God’s authority and His power to judge no one has the capacity to create laws until he is the creator of human beings and is aware of all his material and spiritual needs and is needless of everything while he is also has no possibility to commit errors. So it is our duty to implement the laws of God in the needs of our times and create sub-laws in their light and thereby implement His laws in the world.


Rulership is a trust from God. Take your disputes to God and His Apostles.