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صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 06)
Verses 15-16 Verses 11-14

Some of the pure hearted poor men, such as Balal, Sohaib, and Ammar, converted; and following them were a group of the nomadic Arabs (BEDOUINS) such as ABUZAR and his tribe (GHAFFAR) who joined Islam too. Such a multitude of conversion gave a shock to the chiefs and grandees of Quraish, and in order to do away with the social effects of it, they said to the believers:- ``If Islam had something good and useful, such a lowly class of people could not leave us behind in accepting the new doctrine.

It is remarkable that nowadays too, there are some among the secular men of power and rank or wealth, who say:- ``Religion is good only for the poor and barefooted people, and our position is much higher to stay in such lowly stages, and accept the forgeries of the ancient people!''

VERSE NO.11-14
Here the immediate reference is to the arrogance and vain pride of the wealthy class of the non-believers who said in their hollow pride:-
``If there was any good in what Mohammad has brought, these poor and barefooted people could not take precedence of us in conversion. Islam is nothing except the forgeries of the ancient people. Had there been any good in it, we were among the first ones to grasp it.''

Then the reference is made to the Scriptures, (TOWRAT) which had been revealed to Moses before our prophet. Many signs and symptoms of our prophet are still found in the present day's Bible and Gospel:-
``And before the Holy QurÌn, there was the book of Moses being used as a Leader and a Mercy...''
It was only Torah which included a Divine Law before the revelation of Quran.
That which was revealed to Jesus Crist did not include a new Law or religion, because Jesus himself has said:-
``Do not think that I have come to do away with the Law of Moses, and the teachings of the prophets. I have not come to do away with them; but to make their teachings come true. Remember that, as long as heavens and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest detail of the law will be done away with, not until the end of all things.
So, whoever disobeys even the least important of the commandments, and teaches others to do the same, will be last in the Kingdom of the heaven.''
Then there is the ending of the above passage which describes and qualifies, ``MOHSENINE'' or the, ``good doers'':-
``Verily those who said:- ``Our Lord is Allah'' and then persisted upon their assertion, there will be no fear on them, nor will they grieve.''
When a Moslim says:- ``Our Lord is Allah'' he admits that he owes no worship to anything or anyone, other than Allah.
Then if he remains firm in the direct way to Allah, there is no fear on him, nor shall he grieve.

Verses 15-16 Verses 11-14